Biodiesel: Paving The Way Of The Future

soybean oil used for bioheat heating oil

Environmental consciousness has reached new heights. Most people are now aware of issues that we face such as global warming and climate change. While there is a political move towards transitioning away from traditional fossil fuels to reduce carbon emissions, you will see why that is not necessary as we discuss the advantages of biodiesel in this article.

At Hart Home Comfort, we are leading the charge in the oil industry by taking concrete steps to help reduce carbon emissions through innovative technology such as the utilization of biodiesel mixed with ULSHO (ultra-low sulfur heating oil).

As an industry, we have adopted the Providence Resolution that sets a goal of achieving 100% liquid renewable fuel by the year 2050. But, as Rome wasn’t built in a day, neither is achieving this goal. However, we ARE CURRENTLY delivering a 20% blend of this fuel right NOW! And we have our sights on delivering a 50% in the very near future.

Since 2007, we have been delivering our EcoBlend Bioheat® Heating Oil at a 20% biodiesel blend, and this change is the equivalent of reducing 69,671,279 pounds of Carbon from the environment.

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So What Exactly Is Biodiesel?

Biodiesel is a type of fuel made from plant and animal oils. According to Wikipedia:

Biodiesel is a diesel fuel that is produced from plants or animals and consisting of long-chain fatty acid esters. It is typically made by chemically reacting lipids such as animal fat, soybean oil, or some other vegetable oil with alcohol, producing a methyl, ethyl or propyl ester. 1

Biodiesel can be used as a concentrated solution or blended with petroleum products in various proportions. With the use of Bioheat® heating oil, homeowners won’t need to make major modifications to their old furnaces just to utilize these blends. That means no extra costs just to enjoy the benefits.

Order EcoBlend Bioheat® Fuel: (631) 667-3200

Heating With Biodiesel

Biodiesel is used in combination with Ultra-Low Sulfur Heating Oil to create Bioheat® fuel. Bioheat® fuel can be safely used in EXISTING oil-firing heating systems WITH NO system modifications. This makes it extremely easy for homeowners to begin reducing their carbon footprint immediately, without having to wait for new advancements in technology.

Not only does this blend of Biodiesel and ULSHO burn cleaner, but it is also more efficient! Consequently, your oil boiler or oil furnace does not need the same level of cleaning as a traditional oil heater needs.

But, keep in mind that we still do recommend an annual heating system tune-up to keep your heater operating at peak performance levels.

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Safety Of Using Biodiesel

image of family paper cutout in hands depicting home heating safety

There should be no concerns about biodiesel’s safety. This is a noncombustible liquid fuel that is completely safe while providing incredible heating results. It will not cause fire or other hazards so homeowners can be confident in making the switch.

Biodiesel Support Local Farmers

image of local farmers who help produce biodiesel

Biodiesel supports local businesses as well. The ingredients are locally sourced, unlike pure fossil fuels which may be imported from other countries. U.S. farmers benefit from the higher demand for their commodities. This also generates more jobs since biodiesel fuel is often delivered by small family-run businesses that employ people within their communities.

In some places, the local governments are throwing their full support for the use of biodiesel for home heating. They provide generous rebates, tax credits, and other perks for residents who are making the switch. They may also provide fuel assistance programs to help people in need. More information can be obtained from local heating fuel companies, such as Hart Home Comfort.

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The Providence Resolution

The Northeast heating oil industry is leading the way towards a greener future. In the historic Providence Resolution, stakeholders agreed to achieve net-zero carbon dioxide emissions by the year 2050. This was passed at the Rhode Island Convention Center during the Heat and Energizing America trade Show in 2019.

The industry will take it step-by-step. The first major milestone is a mild 15% decrease in CO2 emissions by 2023 which is inching closer. Next is a bigger reduction of up to 40% by 2030. Three decades from the start of the initiative, they hope that a complete net-zero status will become a reality. Industry associations are working hard to reach these goals in a timely manner.
It is worth noting that the resolution was passed unanimously by the more than 300 industry leaders who attended the convention. Not a single objection was raised. This demonstrates the
industry’s unified stance in supporting the calls for a cleaner environment and greener business practices.

Indeed, many heating oil delivery companies have already started providing biodiesel blends and other eco-friendly products even before the 2019 convention. The Providence Resolution only strengthened their resolve and underscored a sense of urgency with the industry. Instead of simply following government mandates, they actually set the bar higher for themselves and embraced their role as a key player in climate change discussions.

This is a massive development given the importance of the Northeast region. It accounts for roughly 80% of the heating oil market with 5 million homes and businesses as regular customers.

Biodiesel As The Cleaner Alternative

There is a lot of political pressure to “decarbonize” and “electrify” households by insisting on the conversion to electric heat pumps (or the installation of electric heat pumps in new construction). This pressure is originating from an effort to reduce carbon emissions. Furthermore, it is important to note that the consumer will need to keep their existing heating source because heat pumps are not very efficient when temperatures drop below 40 degrees.

However, electrification in our area is not as feasible as politicians and special interest groups would lead you to believe.

Why Electrification Is Not As Attractive As Some Want You To Think

  • Cost To Convert – The primary deterrent for many homes is the high cost of converting your existing oil heating system. The oil to electric conversion costs ranges from $10,500 to over $21,250 for an average-sized home in New York. These numbers factor in the cost to upgrade electrical services as well as the cost to install the new heating system.2
  • Increase Demand On Power Grid – Another issue presented with the mass conversion of oil-fired heating systems to electric heat pumps is the increased load on the power grid, requiring substantial capacity increases to our local utilities. This will require billions of dollars of infrastructure investments on the part of utility companies.
  • Rolling Blackouts – As many Texans experienced first hand in the winter of 2021, increased power demands create “rolling blackouts”, causing situations where homeowners were unable to heat their homes during the time that they needed heat the most! In fact, at least 111 people died in Texas during this winter storm. 3 While not all deaths were attributed to loss of heat in homes, there was enough to cause concern. This kind of burden on the electrical grid in New York could cause a much higher death rate if all of our houses were electrified.

We are able to overcome all the negatives highlighted above and still reduce carbon emissions by utilizing our EcoBlend Bioheat® Heating Oil. And, the best part is that in the very near future, we will be delivering a blend of biodiesel fuel that produces fewer carbon emissions than either natural gas or electricity!4

Click Here To Learn More About EcoBlend Bioheat® Heating Oil Call To Schedule An EcoBlend Bioheat® Fuel Delivery: (631) 667-3200

Why Use Hart Home Comfort’s EcoBlend Bioheat® Heating Oil For Your Heating Needs?

hart-logoHart Home Comfort is providing homeowners in Nassau County, Suffolk County, and Queens, New York with a greener and cleaner solution in the form of EcoBlend Biodiesel. This is ultra-low sulfur and low carbon heating oil that is blended with 100% biodiesel.

EcoBlend Bioheat® Fuel doesn’t require costly furnace modifications allowing homeowners to use their existing equipment while making the switch to cleaner fuel.
Call Hart Home Comfort today to learn more about EcoBlend Bioheat® Heating Oil and join us in reducing carbon emissions today!

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For any questions about what Hart Home Comfort can do for you, give us a call today. Click here to contact us now or call us at (631) 667-3200 to find out more!

1. Wikipedia: Biodiesel
2. Comparative Energy Use of Residential Gas Furnaces and Electric Heat Pumps

3. Texas Tribune: At Least 111 People Died In Texas During Winter Storm, Most From Hypothermia

4. Project Carbon Freedom