What Is A Green Or Renewable Energy Source?

image of light bulb depicting green energy

Human activities are the biggest creators of greenhouse gas emissions, according to a report released by the United States Environmental Protection Agency.1 Among these is methane, ozone, nitrous oxide, chlorofluorocarbons, water vapor, and also, carbon emissions. Carbon emissions can arise from the use of appliances, vehicles, and heating systems. The way we use these has a tremendous effect on our own environmental impact.

Individual contributions may be small but the results are significant for the environment. We can start lowering our personal carbon footprints together. Several strategies are available for eco-conscious persons including a more mindful use of lights around the house, a greater reliance on public transport, or a shift to carpooling with coworkers, for example.

If you have been looking for ways to reduce your carbon footprint via your heating system, then consider using fuel from Hart Home Comfort. We have EcoBlend Bioheat® heating oil that is essentially a mixture of biodiesel and ultra-low sulfur heating oil. The oil industry is working hard towards the creation of better green energy solutions. Boosting the blend ratios of eco-friendly biodiesel helps in reducing harmful carbon emissions.

You can find the following in this article:

  • The Process in Which Carbon Affects the Environment
  • A Comprehensive Definition of Green Energy Sources
  • How EcoBlend Bioheat® Heating Oil Fits Into the Mold of a Green Energy Source
  • The Advantages Of Using EcoBlend Bioheat® Fuel Oil
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The Reasons Why Carbon is Considered Harmful

image of forest fire due to climate change

Scientific research proves that carbon is capable of keeping heat on the surface of the Earth. This creates an environment where living things can thrive. While that sounds like a good thing, an excessive amount of carbon can have the opposite effect. It can trigger global warming,  a gradual increase of Earth surface temperature including lands, oceans, and atmosphere. Global warming has the ability to change the climate, induce water shortages, reduce crop yields, and compound fire threats.2

Order EcoBlend Bioheat® Fuel: (631) 667-3200

A Green Energy Source Defined

The Natural Resources Defense Council or NRDC offers this definition of green energy: It is clean energy that comes from natural and renewable energy sources.3 Green energy is not in danger of running out because it is constantly replenished. It does not create carbon emissions that could harm the environment.

The Green Credentials of EcoBlend Bioheat® Heating Oil

eco blend heating oil

Biodiesel is an excellent example of a green energy source.4 It comes from the fats of plants and animals so it is all-natural. It is usually mixed with ultra-low sulfur heating oil to create an eco-friendly fuel. This currently enjoys widespread use among US households.

Hart Home Comfort makes EcoBlend Bioheat® fuel available to our customers. This contains 20% biodiesel combined with ultra-low sulfur heating oil or ULSHO. You might also see it called a B20 blend which highlights the percentage of biodiesel. Customers can get this greener fuel option from us without paying any additional fees.

We are part of an industry that has a strong commitment to the delivery of eco-friendly fuel options. The Providence Resolution details concrete plans and figures regarding this. In the resolution, the industry has established major milestones that it wants to achieve over the coming decades. By 2023, we aim to cut CO2 emissions by 15%. In 2030, this should go as high as 40%. In 2050, the industry wants to attain net-zero carbon emission status.

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Additional Benefits of EcoBlend Bioheat® Heating Oil

Consider picking EcoBlend Bioheat® oil over your current heating fuel to enjoy the following benefits:

Support for Local Farmers

image of local farmer family who help produce biodiesel

EcoBlend Bioheat® heating oil contains a high percentage of biodiesel which comes from animal and plant fats. These raw materials come primarily from US farmers. By choosing to heat your home with EcoBlend Bioheat® fuel oil, you are helping the local workers and the local economy as a whole. Everyone benefits from a stronger community.

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Support for Sustainability

EcoBlend Bioheat® heating oil is considered a sustainable fuel because it fits the criteria of being constantly replenished. Farmers ensure that animal and plant fats are always available for use in this blend and others like it in the future. US households can count on it for energy in the decades to come.

What’s more, the trend is to increase the amount of biodiesel in these blends while decreasing the amount of heating oil. This results in even greater sustainability for Bioheat® Heating Oil.

Lower Your Carbon Footprint

image of a green leafy foot depicting a carbon footprint

Global warming is a major threat to life as we know it. The federal government is doing its part to help the environment in many ways, including the promotion of eco-friendly options among consumers. Bioheat® heating oil is among the products that can massively reduce your carbon footprint. This keeps the Earth a habitable place for all living beings including humans.

Enhance the Comfort in Your Home

Despite the availability of different types of heating solutions on the market, homeowners find that Bioheat® heating oil remains one of the leading options. If you are concerned about comfort, then Bioheat® oil is a better choice compared to electric heat pumps. It can deliver reliable heating no matter the outdoor temperature.

EcoBlend Bioheat® fuel also burns cleaner than other heating fuels. People will notice the reduction of soot build-up after they switch. A cleaner heating system can last longer and perform better for the owners.

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Won’t Run Out

Projections of energy use by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory show that 80% of US power consumption can rely on renewable sources by 2050. This is a major shift given the current dependence on non-renewable sources. It makes the system more resilient and less prone to shortages.


Renewable energy will always be there for us to tap. For example, biodiesel comes from plant oils that are abundant around the planet. People can rely on this source for generations.

EcoBlend Bioheat® Heating Oil: Eco-friendly Home Heating Oil

EcoBlend Bioheat heating oil delivery

No less than the UN Secretary-General has stated that carbon neutrality by the year 2050 is the world’s most urgent mission.5 Everyone needs to play their part to achieve this goal. The heating oil industry heeded the call and made the commitment official through the Providence Resolution.

Several oil suppliers are already offering blends of ultra-low sulfur heating oil and biodiesel. Hart Home Comfort is providing a B20 blend to our customers. We are aiming to improve our blend ratios at a rapid rate to meet or exceed the goals set by the Providence Resolution. This fuel blend can help lower heating system carbon emissions by a substantial amount. Other heating fuels cannot achieve the same level of clean burn.

The good news?

This product is available RIGHT NOW.

Homes and businesses in Nassau County, Suffolk County, and Queens, New York that order oil from us can get it.

It is the SAME PRICE AS REGULAR HOME HEATING OIL so there should be no worries about cost.

Current oil-fired systems are fully compatible with this excellent fuel so there is No Need To Upgrade Your Equipment.

Click Here To Learn More About EcoBlend Bioheat® Fuel Call Hart Home Comfort Today: (631) 667-3200



Hart Home Comfort offers a smooth transition to lower carbon footprint with the use of EcoBlend Bioheat® heating oil. Give us a call and schedule a heating oil delivery to your home today.

Call Hart Home Comfort To Schedule An EcoBlend Bioheat® Heating Oil Delivery

hart-logoHart Home Comfort provides homeowners in Nassau County, Suffolk County, and Queens, New York with a greener and cleaner solution in the form of EcoBlend Bioheat® heating oil. This is ultra-low sulfur and low carbon heating oil that is blended with 100% biodiesel.

EcoBlend Bioheat® Fuel doesn’t require costly furnace modifications allowing homeowners to use their existing equipment while making the switch to cleaner fuel.
Call Hart Home Comfort today to learn more about EcoBlend Bioheat® Heating Oil and join us in reducing carbon emissions today!

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For any questions about what Hart Home Comfort can do for you, give us a call today. Click here to contact us now or call us at (631) 667-3200 to find out more!

1. United States Environmental Protection Agency: Greenhouse Gas Emissions
2. NASA Global Climate Change: Vital Signs of the Planet: The Effects of Climate Change
3. NRDC: Climate & Clean Energy
4. Project Carbon Freedom: A Responsible Path to Renewable Heat
5. United Nations Secretary-General: Carbon Neutrality by 2050