What Are 3 Ways That You Can Tell If Your Heater Is Energy Efficient?

image of efficiency rating depicting home heating system

An energy-efficient heating system will keep your energy bills low while effectively distributing heat. Your maintenance costs should be kept at a minimum. In this article, we discuss three ways to determine whether or not you have an energy-efficient heater. We also discuss some tips for improving the efficiency of this important home equipment.

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Furnace Efficiency: 6 Ways You’re Overworking Your Furnace

image of a woman adjusting thermostat for home heating

Although your furnace is a durable piece of equipment, it can wear down if you do not use it correctly. This, eventually, can lead to inefficient operation, unnecessary HVAC repairs, high home heating costs, and possibly a complete furnace breakdown. This article discusses some effective ways to use your more furnace efficiently.

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